Legal notice
This Legal Notice governs the use of the website (‘Website’), which MarsBased, S.L., with address at Carrer de Sardenya, 470, 2n 1ª, 08025 Barcelona, registered in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona in Volume B-450254, Book 44228, Sheet 117, 1st entry, and Spanish tax ID number B-66245077 (‘MarsBased’), makes available to the Website’s users (‘Users’ or ‘User’).
The User must carefully read this Legal Notice whenever he/she is going to use the Website, as it may have changed.
For any queries, doubts or incidents related to this Legal Notice and/or the products and services MarsBased offers the User may write to the following email address:
Terms of use of the Website
The User undertakes to make good use of the Website and, in particular, of the content hosted on it (‘Content’). To do this, the User undertakes to refrain from:
Using the Content for purposes contrary to current regulations, good faith and public order.
Carrying out any conduct that could damage MarsBased's image, interests and/or rights.
Reproducing, copying or distributing the Content, as well as allowing public access to them through any form of public communication, or transforming or modifying them, unless authorised or legally permitted by MarsBased.
Infringing intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to MarsBased or its licensors (see next section).
Using the Content obtained through the Website for any type of advertising or commercial purpose.
Performing any act to damage, disable or overload the Website, or that would prevent, in any way, its normal use and operation.
In the event that the User fails to comply with any of the above terms, MarsBased may adopt any applicable legal measures it deems necessary.
Intellectual and industrial property
All intellectual and industrial property rights related the Website, including the provision of the Content therein, the sui generis right over the underlying databases, the graphic design and user interface of the Website (look & feel), the underlying computer programs (including source code and object), as well as any other component of the Website (text, images, logos, etc.) are the property of MarsBased or its licensors. In addition, the ‘MARSBASED’ trademark and the domain name ‘’ included on the Website are the property of MarsBased.
The use of the Website does not imply the transfer of any intellectual and industrial property rights by MarsBased to the User. That is why, except in cases where it is legally permitted or authorised by MarsBased, the User is prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly communicating, making available, extracting and/or reusing the Website, its Content and/or the distinctive signs of MarsBased or any other third parties incorporated into the Website. MarsBased reserves the right to take appropriate legal actions against Users who violate or infringe intellectual and/or industrial property rights.
In the event that the User knows of the existence of any content that is unlawful, illegal or that could constitute an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of MarsBased or its licensors, he/she must notify it immediately through the email address, so that MarsBased can analyse the situation and take any measures it deems necessary.
User liability
The User shall be liable for any damages that MarsBased, its representatives and/or employees may directly or indirectly suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations arising from this Legal Notice or the applicable regulations in relation to the use of the Website.
MarsBased reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate any User's access to the Website and any of its Content when: (i) there is any indication that she/he has committed any violation of this Legal Notice and/or applicable regulations; and/or (ii) any conduct that, in MarsBased's view, may disturb the proper functioning of MarsBased's Website, image or reputation.
Representations and warranties
The information contained on the Website is for informational purposes only, and cannot in any case be considered legal, tax, financial, investment or technical advice, or an offer or guarantee on the part of MarsBased, nor as a recommendation to carry out operations or as a basis for decision-making.
MarsBased waives any liability arising from the use of the information contained on the Website.
MarsBased is not responsible for the information contained on the Website meeting the User's expectations. MarsBased is not liable for the veracity, accuracy, sufficiency, completeness or updating of the Website’s information and/or Content.
MarsBased reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on the Website, making no commitment to communicate changes or modify the content thereof. In particular, MarsBased reserves the right to remove, limit or prevent access to the Website when technical difficulties arise from events or circumstances beyond MarsBased’s control that, at its sole discretion, diminish or override the levels of security or standards adopted for the proper functioning of the Website.
The User acknowledges and accepts the representations above and also guarantees compliance with the regulations that apply to him/her as a User of this Website.
Links to the Website
No link to the Website may be established unless it has been previously authorised by MarsBased. In any case, once the link has been authorised by MarsBased, it must be established in the following terms:
The link may not consist of frames that allow viewing the Website through Internet addresses other than the Website’s or that in any other way jointly display the Website’s information with information included on other websites.
No false, inaccurate or incorrect statements about the Website and/or MarsBased will be included.
Under no circumstances will MarsBased be liable for the content, information, representations, opinions or services made available to the public on the website on which a hyperlink to this Website is established.
Links to third-party pages
MarsBased may include links on the Website that allow Users to access third-party websites. In such cases, MarsBased acts as a service broker, in accordance with Article 17 of the LSSI (Spanish Law on information society services and electronic commerce). In accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned law, MarsBased will not be liable for the services and content provided through those third-party websites unless it has effective knowledge of the unlawfulness and has not disabled the link with due diligence.
MarsBased's liability
Communications over open networks are exposed to a plurality of threats that make them unsafe. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, MarsBased is not liable for any damage caused to the User as a result of risks inherent in the environment used or for those caused by vulnerabilities in its systems and tools. MarsBased does not guarantee the full security of its systems and although it has adopted adequate security measures, the existence of vulnerabilities cannot be completely ruled out and, consequently, the User must be cautious in his/her interaction with the Website.
Furthermore, MarsBased shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage that Users may suffer from improper use of this Website or its Content and does not assume any commitment to communicate changes or modify the content thereof.
Personal data protection
The aspects related to the processing of the Website Users’ personal data are regulated in our Privacy Policy.
Use of cookies
The Website might use a technology called ‘cookies’. For more information on how cookies are used on the Website see our Cookies Policy. You'll be surprised.
Applicable jurisdiction
In accordance with Article 3 of the LSSI, Spanish law shall be applicable to the services provided by MarsBased through the Website. Therefore any dispute concerning this Website or any conflicts over it between the User and MarsBased shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the city of Barcelona.
Version published on March, 24th 2023