

Iterating on pull requests - don't squash commits!

This is a small piece of advice for starting developers regarding pull requests on git.

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Camera light effects

Comparing LocomotiveCMS and WordPress

WordPress and LocomotiveCMS are two popular content management systems (CMS) that are often used for building and managing websites. Both have their own unique features and capabilities, and choosing the right one for your project can be a challenging decision. In this blog post, we will compare WordPress and LocomotiveCMS to help you make an informed decision.

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MySQL deferred constraints and unique checks

MySQL and PostgreSQL are very similar but not exact. Take a look at this scenario that works with PostgreSQL but not with MySQL.

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Remember to vacuum your databases!

There's a way to declutter PostgreSQL databases that will impact the performance of your projects. Learn about vacuum.

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Red traffic light

Personalism vs. professionalism

There's a thin line between being professional and having no limits to what you do for work and how you do it. Overpleasing people constantly might actually be detrimental to your business and your reputation.

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With all your love

How to create icons correctly aligned with the text

There's a pretty annoying problem with icons when working alongside text. It's called alignment. So, in this blog post, we will show you how we solve this all too common problem.

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Speeding up views rendering in Rails 4

Here's some technical post for the Rails folks out there. If you're into performance optimisation, this is for you!

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Can't believe this is happening

It's been around two years apart, and none of us could really believe meeting again in person was actually happening.

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Font Awesome social share buttons are blocked by AdBlock? Here's how to go around it

Font Awesome social share buttons are blocked by AdBlock? Here's how to go around it

So all of the sudden the social sharing buttons disappeared from your website? AdBlock is probably at fault, and here is how to fix it!

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How to implement Cuprite into Capybara

We've all been playing with testing libraries and frameworks for many years, but before doing that, we have to configure them. In this blog post, I'll walk you through my setup of Cuprite with Capybara.

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Celebrating with Martian Breakfasts!

As time goes by, we have more stuff worth celebrating in the company going on, so we've decided to take it up a notch and celebrate small and big teams with a joint virtual breakfast on the company!

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We've updated our handbook to include our new development workflow

As you might probably know, we have a long document called the MarsBased Handbook where we try to describe all our procedures and how we work.

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